In the field of environmental simulation, ENGMATEC provides a large range of efficient systems for quality assurance, development and production.
The delivery program comprises both climate test equipment as batch version (tempera-ture test cabinets) and continuous tunnel systems with inline capability (DTA).
A further segment of the product range comprises the calibration of devices. A typical application example from the building technology field is the temperature calibration of heat meters.
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Industry-standard, highly wear-free test plugs for in-circuit and functional tests of the most frequently used plug connections, e.g. : Western-Min, USB, USB-Micro, HDMI, RJ plug, TAE, SATA...
The standard range of products comprises mechanical and pneumatic test adapters for the functional test of assemblies and equipment. The comprehensive adapter system is characterized by very flexible application options. The test equipment is designed for in-circuit and functional tests and can be u
Board handling equipment for PCBs, soldering frames and carriers
ENGMATEC offers a comprehensive standard program of efficient and proven board handling systems: Transport and handling equipment for SMD lines, assembly systems and test lines.
- Loader and Unloader
- Buffers
- Conveyors
- Handling Systems
Test equipment for electronic assemblies and products
ENGMATEC offers complete systems with ICT and FKT tests, handling system and transport system.
Test systems for large or small batch production, as individual solution or inline equipment are available. Different technologies of electronics, image processing, mechanics and pneumatics are purposef
ENGMATEC provides engineering competence and innovative solutions for the most different production processes, from assembly to packaging.
Depending on requirements, ENGMATEC designs assembly systems from the single workstation to high-volume production.
The systems cover various processes, such
The central business segment of ENGMATEC GmbH is the development and production of test equipment and assembly systems - in particular for the electronics industry. Whether testing printed circuit boards and simple assemblies is required or overall solutions for complex tasks: ENGMATEC will provide